Ladies, I'm willing to bet any large sum of money that 99% of us have spent more time than we are willing to admit searching for our HG makeup. With stores like Sephora and Ulta, how can you not get lost in all of the cosmetic chaos!? Walking into those stores is like entering into a maze-once you're in, you're in and good luck getting out. I am happy to share with you that lady luck is finally on my side, and I have found the way out! My knight in shining armor, Koh Gen Do- a 20 year old high definition cosmetic and skincare company that started in Tokyo's lovely Azabu Juban neighborhood. Their mission is to "bring out the beauty within you" and their promise is cater to all different types and colors of skin because we "all possess a unique beauty". Because Koh Gen Do considers makeup to be more than about covering problem areas of the skin, their makeup actually enhances your natural beauty and your true color. I have fallen hard for this company and couldn't say one bad thing about any of their products. The true hero for me is Koh Gen Do Maifanshi Moisture Powder Foundation. A paraben free foundation using an exclusive "3D Real Skin" technology. This is a mineral creme foundation mixed with 60% water allowing for a smooth and sheer application with seriously full coverage.

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